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Looking for something to brighten your week? Our weekly feed is place to go. We will be posting new messages to lift your spirits weekly.


Welcome back to another Mattawan Message! Finally! Earth is opening back up! We can finally go to restaurants, malls, houses of loved ones, and almost anywhere your heart desires. But, things have not gotten much better. People are still afraid, people are still devastated, especially with the recent events causing worldwide protests. Just because this fire has died down, doesn't mean the embers aren't still burning. We all need to remember that things aren't back to normal just yet, and we still need to be practicing safe behaviors and actions. We can still go out and have fun, but keep in mind, there is still a deadly virus going around. Continue to wear masks and wash your hands whenever you can. Try to stay six feet apart from others, and stay healthy. We want you to have fun, and live your life, but we also want you to stay safe and healthy. Like Jodi Rell says, "At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security." Stay safe, friends.

Spreading hope one message at a time.

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Welcome back to another Mattawan Message! This week we have compiled a list of fun games to play online with friends or family, to feel closer together in this difficult season! These games are all free of cost. Some are apps, and others are online! So without further ado, let's get started!

The Mattawan Messengers List of Games! An online version of pictionary, skribble is a multiplayer game! You can join players from around the world, or play privately with your friends and family! is a new take on Telephone! Draw pictures, write what you see, and laugh at the end results! This game is best with 4 people but can be played with less. An online version of Uno for people of all ages! Once you get to this site, click "join a game" in the upper left hand corner and get to playing!

Battleship: Battleship online! Have fun playing at any time any place!

Psych! Outwit your friends!: Get this app on Google Play or the appstore on your phone! Psych out your friends in this game of full of fake answers to real questions!

Heads Up!: Download this game from the appstore or google play! You need at least 2 devices, 1 for the app, 1 to play with your friends! This game is a recreation of Headbandz, and Charades and fun for the whole family!

We hope you find something to do and have fun with those far away! If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions, comment below and we will get back to you!

Remember, "Distance means so little when someone means so much."-Unknown

Spreading hope one message at a time.

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10 weeks. 75 days. 1,800 hours. Stuck inside. We know you must be BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS--we know we are-- so we decided to compile a list of things to do instead of laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, and asking, "what now?" Along with writing letters*hint hint* here are some things to keep you busy!

  1. Artwork (Painting, drawing, coloring)

  2. Start a project around the house. Wow everyone with your freaking awesome skills!

  3. Learn to cook! Learn to bake! There is nothing better than stuffing your families face with some real good food!

  4. Go outside! Walk around your neighborhood. Do a scavenger hunt on your walks. Who can find the most, pine cones?

  5. Talk to some of your old friends! Some great resources are Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, and Google Hangouts. --These are all free!!!

  6. Start a blog!!! Let your creative juices flow!! Share your thoughts with the world!!!

7. Write a story! Here are some great prompts to get your story started!

We hope you find something to do to pass the time during this boring season! If you have another idea that we didn't put on our list, leave a comment! We would love to hear your ideas! As Jon Kabat-Zinn says, "When you pay attention to boredom it gets unbelievably interesting."

Spreading hope one message at a time.

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